Transportation » Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Frequently Asked Questions & General Information

Thank you for your patience and understanding with your child's driver and the transportation department for the first 2-3 weeks of school as the bus routes take a little time to smooth out.

Do ALL students, grade 7-12, need a bus pass?

No, ONLY students who intend on riding the school bus to and/or from school need a bus pass.   Applications for bus passes are due in June of the previous school year. If a student has not signed up for a bus pass and it is past June, please do so asap and send it in as soon as possible. We will process the request as quickly as we can. It may take a few weeks. In order to register your child in Grades 7-12 for a school bus pass for the 2024-2025 school year, you must pay the bus fee at My School Bucks (Directions). 

Does my grade K-6 student need a bus pass?

No.  Grade K-6 students do NOT need a bus pass; they are automatically assigned a bus and a stop.  Each school reaches out to parents to determine before and aftercare arrangements.  Please communicate these arrangements with the main office of the school.

My grade 7-12 child is eligible for Free and Reduced lunch.  Do we need to fill out a bus pass application? What other paperwork do we need to complete?

Students who qualify for free/reduced lunch for the 2024-2025 school year will have their bus transportation fees waived. If a student was authorized for free/reduced lunch for the 2023- 2024 school year based on income eligibility requirements, that authorization will continue through the first 30 school days of the new school year. Parents/guardians who were approved for free/reduced lunch for that student in the 2023- 2024 school year (and plan to reapply for the new school year) should list on their application that they are authorized for free/reduced lunch at the time of registration.

At the beginning of the 2024-2025 school year, a new free/reduced lunch application will need to be completed and submitted to your child's school secretary within the first 30 days of school. If a student is not approved for free/reduced lunch for the 2024-2025 school year, or fails to reapply, the full bus transportation fee will be due upon demand or the student's seat on the bus will be forfeited. If the student is approved, no further action from the parent/guardian will be necessary. Please note: Bus drivers, school administration, and the Transportation Team will perform audits randomly throughout the school year to check ridership privilege eligibility and payment status.

Are bus passes transferable?

Bus passes are not transferable.  A student who allows another student to use his/her bus pass is subject to having their bus pass privileges revoked.

My grade 7-12 student lost the bus pass.  What do we do?

All students using school bus transportation in Grades 7-12 will be required to carry their bus pass on a daily basis, even if they are eligible for free busing. Not doing so may result in exclusion from the bus. In the event a student loses a bus pass, a duplicate pass may be obtained for a fee of $5 by sending an email to [email protected]. 

How do I learn what bus and stop my child will access?

Caregivers of Grafton Public School students can obtain bus route information in late August through our Transportation Website.  A notification is sent via email to families notifying them that the routes are available. The district buses students to and from pre-established bus stops. Whenever possible, centralized neighborhood bus stops have been established.

Students are not automatically entitled to street to street or door to door pick up and delivery; children may have to walk to a common bus stop. The safety responsibility for escorting a child to and from the bus stop rests with the parents/guardians of the child. This includes escorting the child where there are no sidewalks or the sidewalks are only on one side of the street, where the bus stop is on the opposite side of the street, where road construction is in progress and there are traffic or railway concerns.

Do the bus routes/stops change or are they static?

Bus routes, drivers, and stops MAY change over the course of the year if we need to manage adding new students to bus routes during the year.  Efforts will be made to communicate changes to caregivers in advance when possible.

The bus drives right past my house. Why can't it stop at my house?

Bus stops are placed to allow buses easy access and egress through neighborhoods while keeping safety a priority. Moreover, adding bus stops may cause delays on our bus routes and will extend students' ride time. In the end, this means that bus routes would have to start earlier in the morning to arrive at school on time. Similarly, in the afternoon it would mean students arrive home later.

I can't see my child's bus stop from my house. How can I get the bus stop moved closer?

Bus stops are placed at centralized locations that can be safely accessed by a significant number of students to minimize the length of time and distance of the bus run. If you have concerns about your child's safety, you are encouraged to accompany your child to the bus stop or arrange for a neighborhood friend to walk with your child.

Why are students asked to arrive at the bus stop about 10-15 minutes before the bus pickup time?

We ask students to arrive at their assigned bus stop about 10-15 minutes prior to pick up time so that they are ready and waiting for the bus to arrive. This helps to ensure a faster loading time. It also ensures that they are there in case the time on their clock or watch differs slightly from the time for the driver.

My child's bus frequently arrives later than the scheduled pickup time. What causes the delays?

Bus routes are planned to run on a closely set schedule. If your child's bus is running behind schedule, there could be uncontrollable factors that are affecting the pickup time. Sometimes there is inclement weather or traffic congestion that may cause related delays. Sometimes children are not ready and waiting at earlier bus stops, which can cause the bus to run behind schedule on all future stops. This is another reason why we ask all children to be ready and waiting at their bus stops so we can minimize delays.

The bus didn't show up on time for my child. How long should he/she wait at the stop?

Your child should arrive at the stop about 10-15 minutes before the regular arrival time of the bus. If there is a substitute driver, the times may not be absolutely consistent with the regular times. If the bus is late, ask your child to remain at the stop. Buses can break down, roads can undergo construction, drivers can have emergencies, etc.  There are many reasons a bus can be delayed.  Despite these rare situations, we will always send a bus to every stop.

My child's bus arrives later/earlier than I want. Can the time be changed?

All Grafton Public School buses operate on a comprehensive schedule, completing 5 routes in the morning and again in the afternoon. This helps to ensure that the system operates safely and efficiently while working to deliver students to school on time. Because of the number of students needing transportation, and to ensure effective scheduling, the overall bus schedules cannot be adjusted to accommodate an individual request.

My child missed the bus at school this afternoon. Can the bus come back?

At most schools, the drivers receive a signal from school staff when they can depart after a sufficient time has been allowed for students to exit the school to board the buses. Sometimes students are held up at school for unforeseen reasons and miss their school bus. Once buses depart the school, they are not able to return to pick up any students who have missed their buses.

Can a family member or other adult board a school bus at the bus stop or at school?

The safety of children is always our priority. It is illegal for any unauthorized individual to stop or board a school bus. Please do not attempt to board a school bus along the route or at school.

Can my child go to different addresses each day?

Parents/guardians must designate one address (home or daycare) for transportation purposes. It is the responsibility of the parents to ensure the child knows which residence they should be traveling to each day following school.

Does the bus driver have the right to assign seats on the bus?

The bus driver may assign seats, as he/she feels necessary to maintain order and safety on the bus.

Who should I speak to about problems that occurred on my child's bus?

If there is an issue on the bus, please contact your child's school and leave a message for an administrator. If you have a concern about a bus driver, route, or general questions, please send an email to [email protected]

A child is harassing or bullying my child while they are on the bus. What should I do?

Grafton Public Schools has a policy that specifically prohibits "bullying" at school, during school events, field trips, and on school buses. The bus driver's main focus must be on operating the school bus safely. As a result, the majority of the driver's attention is focused on the road and traffic conditions, so he/she may not see or hear inappropriate behavior among the students on the bus when it occurs. Students who engage in bullying or harassing behavior are subject to disciplinary action. Please report any problems to your child's school principal or assistant principal so that appropriate steps may be taken.

Are there consequences if a student misbehaves on the bus?

Yes. Bus drivers report problems to the student's school. School administrators may deny students transportation services when a student's conduct represents a threat to the safe operation of the school bus, to the student, or to others on the bus.

The bus driver disciplined my child on the bus today. Does the driver have the right to do this?

The school bus driver is responsible for the safe operation of the bus. He/she should receive the same level of respect afforded to a classroom teacher, assistant, or other school employee. When necessary, drivers or school monitors may correct and redirect a student. In most cases, that resolves the problem. If the misconduct continues, the driver may complete a "student disciplinary form" to notify the school of the event for further review and, if appropriate, disciplinary action.

What is a student disciplinary form?

A student disciplinary form is used to report a student who violates the safety rules on the bus that may cause harm to the student, to another student, and/or to the public. This includes actions that distract the bus driver's attention from the roadway. If a student disciplinary form is completed for a student, the school staff members will contact the student's family if they need to speak to parents or guardian as part of the disciplinary steps taken to resolve the problem.

What are the behavioral expectations of students who ride the bus?

Since school bus transportation is an extension of the school day, expectations for student behavior on the bus are the same as in the classroom. If a student engages in inappropriate behavior, the bus driver is expected to complete a "Student Disciplinary Form". These forms are sent to the student's school principal and the Transportation Office.

Can my child bring oversized items onto the bus?

Students cannot carry on oversized objects that may block the aisle, cause a loss of passenger seat space, obstruct the driver's view or create a safety hazard. Objects will be permitted only if they can be held in the student's lap. The school district assumes responsibility for children once they are seated in the school bus until the children depart from the bus at the end of the school day.

Can I get a refund of my bus fee?

Refunds will be issued if a refund request is sent to [email protected] and is received prior to the first day of school. A processing fee of $25.00 per student will be deducted from the refund. Once school has started, no refunds will be issued. Late fees will not be refunded.

What do I do if I have concerns regarding my child's bus driver?

If you have a concern about your child's bus driver, please follow this chain of command:
  1. Speak with or email  the building administration at your child's school.
  2. Speak with (508-839-5421, Ext. 1014) or email the GPS Director of Operations at [email protected].
  3. Speak with (508-839-5421) or email the Superintendent of Schools at [email protected].