Building Accommodation Plan » Grades K-1 Building Accommodation Plan

Grades K-1 Building Accommodation Plan

Grafton Public Schools

Building Curriculum Accommodation Plan


Developed: June 2013


North Grafton Elementary & South Grafton Elementary Building Curriculum Accommodation Plan (Pre K-Grade 1)

Grafton is an inclusive school district. As such, we are a collaborative culture that welcomes all members into our learning community. Recognizing that students share more similarities than differences, our learning community respects each individual’s unique contributions. As an inclusive school district, it is expected that all adults share the responsibility for providing every student ‘with access to and participation in high quality general education,’ With that philosophy and our mission in mind, we have developed an accommodation plan. The plan is designed to increase the accessibility of curriculum for all students.

Accommodations Related to Instruction & Testing/Assessment

Class Instruction 

The teacher provides:

  1. A variety of group structures including small group and one to one conferencing.
  2. Differentiated instruction to meet the needs of the student.
  3. A multi-sensory approach when teaching concepts, including visual, auditory, and kinesthetic presentations/activities.
  4. Flexible grouping to meet the needs of all students (intervention and enrichment).
  5. Preview, repeat, or re-teach new concepts.
  6. Provide extra wait time prior to expecting student responses.
  7. Build in sufficient time for metacognition (reflection and processing--i.e., 10 minutes of teaching/stop/2 minutes of processing).
  8. Reading instruction at the student’s instructional level.
  9. Opportunities for cooperative learning in a partner or small group setting.
  10. Concrete examples/models/exemplars of tasks prior to teaching the concept.
  11. Frequent checks for understanding of instruction.
  12. Regular feedback.
  13. Cues to the student prior to calling on him/her to allow time to prepare for responses.
  14. Direct instruction/modeling of skills and strategies.
  15. Time for activating prior knowledge by creating a common base for understanding before beginning a lesson.


The teacher:

  1. Conducts assessments to determine student needs and uses the information to drive instructional practice.
  2. Creates alternative assessments as needed; varied assessment formats, and assessment types (i.e., oral, performance-based, written, and observational).

Accommodations Related to Specific Needs Attention:

  1. Teach students how to pay attention--be specific (whole body listening).
  2. Develop a student/teacher signal to cue attention (for example, "Hands and Eyes")
  3. Provide brain breaks as needed (for example, brain breaks including brain gym.)
  4. Be tolerant of student movement, standing while working, moving to a different desk, and functional breaks.
  5. Allow intentional distractions or something acceptable to do with their hands during instruction times (for example, a squishy fidget or a soft ball.)
  6. Provide seating options (for example, sit in a chair or on a cushion during morning meeting.)
  7. Use student carrels.
  8. Seat with preferential seating away from distractions and near peer models.
  9. Remove auditory distractions (for example, use headphones, etc.)
  10. Adjust assignments, including homework, to match attention span: break assignments down into manageable steps or reduce the number of items.
  11. Give both oral and written directions and ask the student to repeat back directions.
  12. Assign one task at a time.
  13. Provide a place marker when reading.
  14. Use a timer to signal allotted time for specific tasks (for example, use a timer during the Daily 5 rotations).
  15. Vary the method of lesson presentation (for example, large group/small group).
  16. Change your tone of voice when speaking in order to gain attention (for example, whisper, or use a lower voice and speak to child at his eye level.)
  17. Use specific rather than general praise.
  18. Provide reinforcers and change the reinforcers to maintain interest.
  19. Provide clutter free environment (empty desk, organize the desk with student)
  20. Post daily schedule and classroom rules.


  1. Provide clear directions.
  2. Simplify/shorten directions.
  3. Give both oral and written directions.
  4. Slow rate of presentation.
  5. Simplify, rephrase, clarify language.
  6. Break down tasks into explicit chunks.
  7. Provide sequential directions: first, second, etc. and visual checklists.
  8. Ask the child to repeat the directions in order to check for understanding.
  9. Model the lesson tasks for the student.
  10. Model thinking aloud (for example, model thinking aloud during interactive read aloud, highlighting specific reading strategies.)
  11. Relate the information to the students prior knowledge and build upon previously mastered skills.
  12. Provide guided practice.
  13. Provide additional small group instruction (for example, Tier II intervention).
  14. Schedule frequent, short conferences with the student (check in).
  15. Preview, repeat, or re-teach new concepts and vocabulary.
  16. Assign tasks at appropriate level (for example higher/lower reading level).
  17. Provide the student with graphic organizers.
  18. Provide anchor charts/visual aids to help students to recall taught concepts.
  19. Reduce the amount of work (for example, allow the student to read a just right book in place of morning work.) Think quality vs. quantity.
  20. Provide multi-sensory materials and additional opportunities for hands-on activities.
  21. Provide additional drill sessions, skill specific games such as Florida Center for Reading Research activities/ partner math activities.
  22. Utilize technology/computer-assisted instruction in order to help retain information.


  1. Develop positive relationships with student.
  2. Teach social skills.
  3. Teach, model, and practice every routine and expectation for behavior.
  4. Implement individual behavior plans such as sticker charts, or first/then approach (for example, upon completion of required task, student is allowed a 2 minute break with a favored activity such as an ipad app break).
  5. Post a daily agenda highlighting specific activities during an instructional block.
  6. Promote parent involvement and communication (for example, communication book or email.)
  7. Adult mentor (for example the Big Buddy/Little Buddy program.)
  8. Take advantage of individual and small social support groups (for example lunch bunch.)
  9. Utilize transition cues.
  10.  Logical consequences

When needed, the school psychologist is available to work with the student/family on a variety of social issues that impact school performance and to provide support to the teacher when managing a student with challenging behaviors. They can work collaboratively with the teacher to develop and implement a behavior management plan.

Fine Motor:

  1. Provide pencil grips.
  2. Provide slant boards.
  3. Vary the working surface: desk to vertical surface, chart paper, SmartBoard.
  4. Provide the student with graphic organizers.
  5. Decrease written work.
  6. Allow the student to dictate written work to demonstrate understanding (including tests and quizzes)
  7. Change far point to near point materials for reference (for example, daily schedule or agenda.)
  8. Allow student to use the computer for written work.
  9. Skip lines when writing on lined paper.
  10. Highlight the bottom line ("grass line") to help student determine where the words sit on the paper.
  11. Match lined paper to the student's print size.

English Language Learners (ELL)/ Students with Language Deficits

  1. Provide frequent opportunities for interaction and discussion between teacher-student and among students.
  2. Link academic concepts to students' prior knowledge and experience.
  3. Emphasize English vocabulary by teaching vocabulary and content simultaneously.
  4. Provide opportunities to practice and apply language and content knowledge in English.
  5. Refer to the accommodations listed under processing in this plan.

Home/School Communication

  1. Parent conferences
  2. Principal/ Teacher webpages
  3. Parent Teacher Organization
  4. Parent/ Teacher meetings related to specific student needs (as needed)
  5. Parents as Partners workshops
  6. End of the year “Make and Take”
  7. Summer Reading Packet/Program
  8. Parent Volunteers
  9. Know Your School Night
  10. Interpretive Services available as needed.