PowerSchool Resources - PowerTeacher Pro » PowerTeacher Pro FAQs

PowerTeacher Pro FAQs

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: How do I personalize my comments?

A: Use SMART TEXT. Type the student's name and personal pronouns in a comment you use often.  Click "Fill Down" icon. In the pop-up window, click SMART TEXT in the green box.  As you check the other student comments, you will notice the name and pronoun change. 

Q: I added an assignment to a class, but I don't want to use that assignment for this section.  How do I get rid of it in the assignment list?

A: Go to the Assignment list under A+ Grading. Click to edit the assignment. Under Select Classes in the upper right corner UNCHECK the section that should not have the assignment.  The assignment will not show in the unchecked section(s) and will continue to show in the checked section(s).

Do NOT delete the assignment as that will delete it for all the classes.


Q: I give different assignments to some students to differentiate instruction.  How do I show the assignment to only these students and not the entire class?

A: When creating the assignment, click on the STUDENTS tab at the top of the window.  Scroll down and select those students from the list. Save the assignment. The assignment will only show for these students in the scoresheet, Quick Lookup and Parent Portal.  


Q: I just collected a big project. How do I show that I received it but have not graded it yet?

A: Use the Collected key in the Score Inspector. Click in the box to score the assignment. In the Score Inspector on the right side of your screen, click the collected icon toward the bottom of the window.    A check mark will appear in the score box.  You can fill down to fill the empty boxes quickly.  Be sure to go through the list and use other keys to mark those assignments that you did not collect because they are incomplete, missing or the student was absent.

Q: I want to use this new grade book to keep track of student progress but I don't want parents to see actual grades.  Can I do this in PTP?

A: ABSOLUTELY.  When you create the assignments, click on the Publish tab. Uncheck the box to NOT PUBLISH  the assignment.  Parents and students will not see the assignment.


Q: Is there an easy way to create assignments that I grade each week?

A: Click on the PUBLISH tab when working on the assignment you want to use again. Click "DUPLICATE" at the bottom of the screen. CHANGE the assignment name and due date. 
For example if you have an assignment to score class participation each week, create the assignment called "ClassWork Week 1". Duplicate the assignment and edit the name to "ClassWork Week 2" and edit the date due. 


Q: Where do I find students who dropped from my class?

A: Click on the Students charm on the left nav bar.  At the top right of the window above the list of student names, click on Show Dropped.  Work with the dropped student and then click Show Enrolled to go back to your active student list.

Q: Why does PowerTeacher Pro always open in the Assignment section?

A: PTP is designed to speed things up for teachers. While many of us are used to grading in a large gradebook or scoresheet,  it is actually faster for the computer and teacher if you grade in the assignment, not the spreadsheet view. You will notice that the screen doesn't jump around to refresh as much in the assignment view.