English Language Learners
Program Mission

Grafton is dedicated to the success of all students. The mission of the English Language Learner Program in Grafton Public Schools is to provide instruction to English Language Learners (ELL students), designed specifically to incorporate academic language within the four language domains (reading, writing, listening and speaking) in conjunction with subject matter content.
Program Goals
The English Language Learner Department will
insure that all students who speak a language other than English at home will be placed in an academic program that meets their needs. To this end, students will be assessed based on the four language domains (reading, writing, listening and speaking) within thirty days of enrollment in school.
provide sheltered English instruction to all students who qualify based on the assessment of the four language domains.
provide direct English Language support by a qualified ELL teacher as determined by the language assessment.
insure that all ELL students have equal access to all district programs and intervention services.
insure that all ELL students have equal access to grade appropriate instructional materials.
monitor the instruction of our ELL students and Formerly Limited English Proficient (FLEP) students to assure they are making effective progress. We will use state mandated assessments as well as school based assessments to determine progress made.
encourage the participation of our ELL students and their families in school based activities.