Notification System » What is SwiftK12?

What is SwiftK12?

The Grafton Public Schools uses a school notification system called SwiftK12.  This notification system is loaded with features that will make it easier for us to keep in contact with your family.  
SwiftK12 allows our school to send messages using email, voice, and text messaging.   The application is integrated within our student information system, PowerSchool.  You can see and edit the phone numbers and emails used to contact your family.   If you log-on to the PowerSchool Parent Portal you will now see a link called “SwiftReach/SwiftK12”.  By selecting this option in the Parent Portal and choosing "Alert Preferences" at the top right of the screen, you will be able to see all the contact information our school has listed for you.  Within this section of the Parent Portal, you will also be able to choose your communication preferences based on message category, such as School Closures or Attendance, and message type (email, voice and/or text message). You may opt-out of any message category except for Emergency Messages. You can also add an additional field, like an second email address to ensure you receive all school commincations.